Friday, September 12, 2014

Best Friends

Above my desk, sits this photo:

It makes me smile, and sometimes laugh. The kids made this photo collage for my husband, Michael, a few years back. He had a habit of sitting in his recliner and in a sing-song voice would ask, "who wants to be my best friend?" When the kids were very young, and before they were wise to what was up, they would offer, "me, me, me!" His answer was always the same "will you run downstairs and get me a Diet Pepsi?" One of them would jump up to be his best friend.

Michael continued to ask "who wants to be my best friend?" for many years after, more in fun, yet always hoping he didn't have to get out of his chair and walk down the stairs to get a diet Pepsi.

I can't remember when exactly this collage was created, but we've added several people to our family since then: Ivydee, Josiah, Travis, Brian, and we also count Ryan-although he is not official yet.

And for those who haven't heard, we have a new grandbaby coming next year.


"But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

Hi baby!!