Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Seventh by Jennifer Wilson

A friend of mine wrote the following poem. I felt it was appropriate to share.

I know I'm number seven,
but the fact you can't deny
is that God, Almighty Giver,
is the Author of my life.

My soul is no less special,
and my spirit no less great
than those that came before me--
be they one, or six, or eight!

So many eyes are blinded
by the whispers of this world--
to them, there is no miracle
in a human life unfurled.

A baby's just a plaything,
a burden, or a chore,
and we must proceed with caution
to prevent too many more!

Only a fool would trust the Lord
to give as He desires
and live a life of trust in Him...
whatever that requires.

A new car may be exciting;
a new house may be a prize,
but my new life is better
than any thing that money buys.

So all the world may roll their eyes
when seven now they see--

But I can't wait until I meet
the "fools" who welcome me.

by: Jennifer Wilson


Elisabeth said...
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Mother Mayhem said...

I say the more the merrier! Doctors had said I would have none. God gave me one. SO blessed. :o)

Elisabeth said...

I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET BABY #5, 6 & 7!!!!